Move-World : Where are you standing Ryuorn.gwa Imgitaek.gwa

  • Running Time :60Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Description

    What is this and what is that?
    Each of the two separate systems has its own order.
    This is an experiment and an invitation to a system, not an epic chasing an movor.
    If you've experienced enough of this, you can go out anytime.
    Then I leave you a question again.
    What is this and what is that?

  • Group

    I move lazily and make it steady

  • Performer & Staff

    Director / Imgitaek
    Director / Ryuorn
    Video / Leeminjung
    Video / Imgitaek
    Space Design / Ryuorn
    Sound Desing / Kimwoojeong
    Dramaturge / Yoosunmi
    Sinographer / Chaejinsoul
    Mover / Ryuorn
    Mover / Imgitaek.gwa