the hermit crab sanda Theatre Sodong

  • Running Time :30Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Description

    Hermit crab 'sanda' has grown up.

    Sanda needs to find a suitable house.
    Sanda meets various houses through turtles. The turtle was a building owner and licensed real estate agent.
    Sanda visits the homes of various animals along the tortoise.

    What are the criteria for a good house and a bad house?
    What is the meaning of having a house?
    What is living at home and what is living?
    Can Sanda find a perfect house?

  • Group

    We play and work like children.
    Studio BESISI will be joining this Fringe as a puppet designer.

  • Performer & Staff

    Performer / Kim Donghwan
    Performer / Yi Heeweon
    Director / Kim Donghwan
    Puppet Designer / Yi Heeweon
    Music / Son Jeong
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