We think we are talking about light and darkness but then we realize that... Perkinje shift theatre

  • Running Time :75Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Description

    1. In the planning, production members regularly gather in a comfortable place to talk and chat. You don't a specific subject, you don't draw any conclusions, you don't try to tell a productive story. It can be personal, it can flow into ideological or social stories. In this stage, they don't try to control each other, they just focus on talking, listening, and focusing on each other.

    2. During the writing phase, the writer collects the words of the members and reconstructs them into words of darkness and light. The text consists of a long monologue of darkness and a long monologue of light, and the two do not interact. The foundation of the work is the Christian myth that God created the world by sharing light and darkness in the chaos of the beginning, and what the work wants to express is to reveal the contradiction of the distinction through distinguished words and bodies.

    3. In the practice, the director communicates with the designer and establishes a performance plan that can utilize the space as much as possible, and the shapes found by the production members in the planning phase are restored on the text with the actors. It releases emotions and sensations condensed into text on the space.

  • Group

    'Perkinje shift' is a phenomenon in which the vision becomes more sensitive to blue light in the process of slowly adapting to darkness in dark places. In a world of black, where all meaning and logic have disappeared, finds an sense of sense that cannot be felt, responds to an invisible audience, and tells the coexistence of things that cannot coexist.

  • Performer & Staff

    director / Hyunbi Choi
    designer / Kim Joo Seul-gi
    writer / Jeong Hanbyul
    actor / Hyunhyun Kim
    actor / Hyunbin Kim