Träumer D.tanz

  • Running Time :30Min
  • Rated :Some material may be inappropriate for under 15
  • Description

    How should exhausted love be tied up loose ends?

    You once told me.
    "We're somewhere in the good, somewhere in the bad, we¡¯re just somewhere in the middle."
    So there aren't necessarily many bad people in the world.
    Sometimes they can be nice to someone.
    I was a jerk to you, and you were a bitch to me.

  • Group

    'D.tanz', a group that digs deeper into social problems or inside human beings, puts it under the theme and expresses it in dance with Drama. We're working on a two-person system (minority), and depending on the content, we're bringing in a guest dancer or actor to communicate with the audience through new attempts at every piece of work through a new connection.

  • Performer & Staff

    Man / Dongwon KIM
    Woman / Dahye LEE