Macbeth Doubble check

  • Running Time :60Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Description

    The Tragedy of Macbeth, shows the main character named Macbeth leading to destruction due to his guilt and despair for his own sins. Macbeth is also known for one of Four Great Tragedies written by William Shakespeare. To sum up, after three witches tell Macbeth that he will be the king of Scotland, supported by his wife, he kills their king for his throne even though he was once a loyalist. After becoming a king, Macbeth is very anxious about losing his throne. Therefore, his anxiety results in constant murder of people he feels threatened with. The play will be newly created as an expressionism play by reconstructing the original play that gives the message, ¡®The endless desire inevitably leads to destruction and there is no absolute evil or no absolute good.¡¯

  • Group

    Our Double Check team is gathered because of passion and longing for the play.
    First, to talk about the meaning of double check, check means the check of the check mark, which means "the correct answer."
    Therefore, it means to move with the right answer to various social problems.
    Our goal is to pursue expressionist plays that show our own colors using existing plays and to a fresh and unique feeling in the theater world.

  • Performer & Staff

    Director / SHIN MIN YEONG
    Producer / HA JI HEE
    Actor / KANG HEE JOO
    Actor / KIM RAE SUNG
    Actor / KIM MIN HEOK
    Actor / HWANG YE WON
    Actor / CHIO HYE SONG
    Actor / CHIO NAK SEONG
    Actor / KIM JUNG HUN
    Assistant Director / WOO YOUNG EUN