• Running Time :20Min
  • Rated :Some material may be inappropriate for under 15
  • Description

    A lighter one than 'Rumor' is '~KADERA' which is one of Korean culture.
    I share my daily routine with the person in front of me, but I'm the one who's already made this guy's "KADERA" in front of me.
    This person is already 'the person' as I intended, and has an indelible tattoo on it.
    This is because I'm also a victim of 'KADERA'.

  • Group

    D.tanz, a group that digs deeper into social problems or inside human beings, puts it under the theme and expresses it in dance with Drama. We're working on a two-person system (minority), and depending on the content, we're bringing in a guest dancer or actor to communicate with the audience through new attempts at every piece of work through a new connection.

  • Performer & Staff