Work environment Sodong

  • Running Time :25Min
  • Rated :Some material may be inappropriate for under 15
  • Description

    I can not rest I want to rest I feel so sad!

    Workers still work today. Work hard. Body and mind wear out. It is a rest time. But¡¦
    "I have a break, but why can not I take a break? Why can not you rest ... ... "
    The desperate cry of the 'worker' who rings outside the restroom is not communicated to the 'user' in the bathroom.

  • Group

    It is 'Sodong' which means 'a child 10 years or older'.

    Children at this age play easily with their peers.

    Maybe this is a routine repetition until we are adults?

    We also want to work like those children.

    Every time the project progresses, we hang out with the visiting artists and play, and make something.

    Children at that time are good to eat well and play well.

    We'll eat well and play well and show you a good play.

  • Performer & Staff

    Actor / Seo Dong Hyun
    Actor / Kim Ji Young
    Actor / Park Hye Won
    / Park Da Yeon
    / Moon A Yeung