No other than... Art Filter

  • Running Time :15Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Description

    I have something tell you.
    I am no other than anybody else.
    Are you sure we're different ? How can you tell we are not same ?
    I could be you, you could be him¡¦.
    I mean, we could be anybody.
    There is no limitation actually.
    We're just living together at the moment.

    The work is to tell that we are living among diverse relationship and we should allow multiple interpretation of our words and actions.
    And we propose to be generous to the coexistence of colorful world thinking of three keywords - color/variety, bridge/interaction, and relationship (generic not specific).

  • Group

    Art Filter is a contemporary dance company and it's named from the "ART", a word for the movement we express and combining "FILTER", the thing you can pass through or remove various subjects.
    We try to search for artistic interpretation and present a point of cultural view about world.
    We hope audiences find another way of looking through Art Filter works.

  • Performer & Staff

    Dancer / Lee young woo
    Dancer / Ju jeong hyun