padago translator reflection

  • Running Time :20Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Description

    In this global world, essential application "Padago Translator". Performer's body becomes a translator.
    Korean text is expressed by body of a performer. And then that is translated into other languages with body translators, using Padago Translator.
    People believed the translator is quite correct. But once it is translated by "Padago Translator", people might sense something is not right. The translations might have been incorrect in some ways. Do you still believe there is perfect translator among people's conversation?

  • Group

    Ambiguos boarder between 'Dance' and 'Movement', and something in the middle of 'with Music' or 'without Music'.
    We look into that boarders and try to stimulate the people with persistent research

  • Performer & Staff

    Dancer / Hyewon Kong
    Dancer / Yiseul Jang
    Dancer / Yuri Kim
    Dancer / Byung Koo Kang
    Dancer / Ha rim Oh