• Running Time :50Min
  • Rated :Some material may be inappropriate for under 15
  • Description

    a one-man bunker society in the not-so-distant future. Manager Daniel invites six guests to his bunker for an exciting party. But at the end of the party, there's still a very unpleasant order left.

  • Group

    [MAHEETAL] is a group of actors who are enthusiastic and willing about various creative activities.

    Just as in Bernard Werber's novel, "Le Papillon des etoiles" humans move away from the devastated earth to other planets, MAHEETAL tries to break away from everyday and repetitive artistic activities in the present era and promote artistic development through new creative activities.

  • Performer & Staff

    Daniel / Daehwan Lim
    Samuel / Sunghwan Kwon
    Kate / Kyeongwon Seol
    Sky / Haneul Choi
    Jackson / Sungjoo Cho
    Sally / Jieun Kim
    Andrew / Yoohyeon Lee