Creative Studio 2 Moments

  • Running Time :40Min
  • Rated :All Ages Admitted
  • Group

    Creative Studio 2 Moments is a theatre company with the common goal of communication without affectation as present beings at a particular moment specifically among the actors on stage and between the actors and the audience. The company aims to a channel where an actor¡¯s body is present, the actor communicates with the presence of other actors¡¯ bodies in the moment of acting, and the actors and audience communicate. To reach this goal, various experimental exercises are being conducted to build a systematic training system for the actors based on the concept of Somatic Movement. The application of Somatic Movement to the re-creation of existing works and creation of new works will project the company¡¯s thoughts on this type of drama.

  • Performer & Staff

    Woman / Lee, Subin
    Man / Kwak, Sang Won
    Director / Jun, Byung Sung