growth ring Hyun

  • Running Time :40Min
  • Rated :Some material may be inappropriate for under 15
  • Description

    The city's imprisonment.
    Carefully call the ring drawn in it.One day, I call each day of my life and I let go.
    Open the door and welcome the new sun

  • Group

    Drama theater ¡°HYUN¡±

    People live as not only audience also the existence who must live together with others. They have to dispel the thread of relations which they confront everyday. Between individuals and a member of society, people have to face countless results from the continuous conflicts, as a small being in huge nature as well.

    Though incomplete beings, people know that the point of solutions is not from others but from themselves, their own hearts.

    Therefore, Drama theater ¡°HYUN¡± will run to the goal seeking for the true answer of the questions which might be derived from all relationships and human psychology

  • Performer & Staff

    actor / Lee jihyi
    actor / Kim mina
    staff / yumi